• C.F Development-Âèåíà

• ImmoRent - Viena;

• Multi-Face Ltd – Lebanon;

• M.J.Building Group - Lebanon

• Immobul - Bukgaria;

• B.S.R.-Group, Tel Aviv

• ECODES Consortium – Belgium;

• Municipality of Benghazi, Libia;

• Intertime Continenta, Sofial;

• Municipality of Sofia;

• Municipality of Blagoevgrad;

• Municipality of Montana;

• Municipality of Vratza;

• Municipality of Kurdjaly;

• Municipality of Belogradchik;

• Eastra-Holding, Bulgaria;

• Foundation of Protestanr Churchrs in Bulgaria;

• United Construction Company –Bulgaria;

• Many Construction Companies and private costummers.

In our activity, following the Regulations and Law in vigor we watch closely to protect and guarantee the client’s interest.